Nowadays, as consumers are constantly looking for the next holy grail of health and wellness, plenty of trendy drinks come and go all the time. But it seems like health-conscious individuals have finally found something that is here to stay. CBD products have experienced explosive growth in the past few years. Due to the recent legalisation of hemp, the CBD market is now flooded with endless options of CBD gummies, topicals, tinctures and most importantly, beverages.
To maximise the opportunity for individuals to take CBD more and fulfil the needs of each particular customer, many companies are striving to create all products imaginable with this useful supplement these days. From juice and sparkling water to infused beer and kombucha, CBD beverages come in a variety of formats, offering a great alternative to oral tinctures with natural flavour and CBD products that require special measurement. To help you delve into the specifics of this format, here some basic information about CBD beverages exactly and why you should choose this type of CBD product.
What Are CBD Drinks?
CBD drinks are exactly what their name implies – different beverages that contain various concentrations of cannabidiol (CBD). CBD is a naturally occurring, non-intoxicating substance that comes from Cannabis sativa plants. It is known to interact with the cannabinoid receptors that make up the complex endocannabinoid system (ECS) in our bodies.
By positively influencing this system, intake of cannabidiol can aid in maintaining wellness, which usually results in reduced anxiety, decreased pain levels and improved sleep quality. These potential beneficial effects are what makes CBD oil so attractive to both consumers and manufacturers.
Six Benefits Of Consuming CBD Beverages
Super Tasty
Let’s face it – the taste of hemp is not for everyone. Sometimes its nutty, earthy and grass-like taste can turn people off to CBD products in general. Fortunately, with CBD drinks, you will not get this hemp aftertaste. They are typically naturally sweetened and have the taste of your favourite energy or sports drink, which makes the experience of CBD consumption more delightful.
As a result, CBD beverages are an ideal compromise for users who want to receive the positive effects of CBD but do not enjoy the natural, earthy flavour of hemp.
Easy-To-Take & Incorporate Into Your Daily Routine
CBD beverages not only have a superior taste and offer a great way to intake the necessary dose of CBD oil but also make daily consumption easier, eliminating all the fuss associated with the use of a glass dropper, filling the vaping device or applying a CBD balm. What better way to get the health benefits from CBD than cracking open a refreshing tea or soda?
Such products do not require particular preparations and provide great convenience, as you can consume your CBD beverage at any given time, whether as a part of your morning routine, before or after a workout, at lunch at work or in the evening after a busy day.
Pre-Measured Dose
A common problem with other formats of CBD is proper dosing. Whether you are a beginner or a pro user, with CBD beverages, there are no more guessing games. CBD infused drinks are often labelled with a certain pre-measured dose of CBD oil to help consumers keep up with the amount of cannabidiol they are taking in their bodies.
Discreet & Portable
While it seems like there is an endless variety of CBD products, some forms of CBD might not be practical. It is not always convenient to pull out your vape pen or oil tincture to get your daily dose, particularly when you are on the go. Plus, some products may come in large sizes.
When it comes to CBD beverages, people won’t even know that you are taking CBD. They often look just like any type of soda or water, which takes away any issues that come with drinking sparkling water or juice. In addition to being discreet, CBD beverages are also easy to carry around. They are usually produced in convenient bottles or even small shots, making them ultra-portable and easy to use, even when you commute.
Long-Lasting Relief & Whole-Body Effect
When consuming beverages, they must first pass through the digestive system and the liver before hitting the bloodstream and bringing first positive effects. Unlike other products, CBD drinks might take around 30 minutes to two hours to kick in, which in turn provides extended release of cannabidiol.
Therefore, even though CBD drinks take longer to deliver potential benefits of CBD, their effects may last up to numerous hours, which can be useful for individuals that are looking for long-lasting relief with minimal need for re-dosing during the day.
What’s more, ingesting CBD drink allows it to be absorbed into the body, which means that the active compounds act and provide a positive impact on the entire body.
Simple To Make Your Own
One of the benefits of using CBD beverages is that you can easily create your own using oil tincture or isolate powder. If you don’t want to purchase ready-made options online, there are plenty of recipes that you can try out at home. This allows you to have not only more control over the flavour profile but also regulate the amount of CBD oil you receive per serving.
CBD drinks also offer increased flexibility as you can combine them with other liquids like smoothies or protein shakes. This provides an additional boost of natural sweetness and allows you to enjoy a hidden dose of CBD.