“Missing MSVPC140.dll File” Error and How to Tackle It

If you are here, it means that you are in search of a solution to the problem illustrated above. This annoying message means that you cannot run a program or application due to the MSVCP.dll file’s being corrupted or missing from your computer. Unfortunately, without this file, you won’t be able to open any C++ applications created by means of Visual Studio 2015.
Presently, more and more people tend to experience this type of program errors, when trying to launch online games, working with website creation tools, or even when attempting to run good old Skype. Still, there is no need to get upset. Go on reading to learn about the most effective methods that can help you resolve the issue.

The Quickest Ways of Fixing the Error

We bet that you have heard about the existence of online encyclopedias and website that automatically generate a list of recommendations on how to fix this or that system error in the most efficient way. You are free to search the Web for similar websites or just trust us and visit Wikidll.com, a DLL filebase and encyclopedia that can give the answers to all your questions about dll files and advise you on how to fix the widespread errors associated with such files. The “MSVCP140.dll file is missing” error we are discussing now is not an exception, of course.

You will find out that in the majority of cases, reinstalling the Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable package can be used as a remedy for the “MSVCP140.dll file is missing” error. Suffice it to remove the troublesome package from your PC and then, download its new version from Microsoft’s official website. Make sure to download the entire package, not only some individual files. After the proper installation of the downloaded program, you are very likely to succeed in running the application you were experiencing difficulty with.

Missing or outdated drivers also can be the culprits of the annoying issue. So, if you still haven’t updated your computer drivers to the latest version, it’s high time you did that! As the manual updating of your drivers is quite a risky and time-consuming undertaking, we will present you with several tips on how to perform this procedure automatically.

For starters, we suggest you downloading and installing Driver Easy, the program that can effectively assist you in updating computer drivers.

Once you have acquired the necessary program, you are free to launch it. In the main menu select “Scan Now.” The magic software will scan you PC and detect the problematic drivers, which you will subsequently update.

Scanning you comp for viruses also can be quite helpful for resolving the “missing MSVCP.dll file” error. The point that malware is capable of corrupting MSVCP.dll files and making them invisible to your operating system. As a result, the error may occur. Running a virus scan across the system may detect the potentially harmful software that should be removed from your PC. Make sure to carefully stick to the instructions provided by the program to properly delete the detected malware.

  • We recommend scanning the system with several reliable antivirus programs to make sure that nothing threatens your computer anymore.

Once you are done with this procedure, reboot your machine and check if the problem still persists.
We hope that the recommendations we have provided were helpful for you. Still, you after trying all the aforementioned methods the error message keeps on re-emerging, you may want to seek professional help.